
It's been a while

It's been a while since I've updated my blog and so it's time.

With my BMW in the shop, and no vacation time, I won't be making any long distance trip for a while. Yesterday, my wife and I did manage to go on a nice little 100 + mile trip, where we stopped at Bastrop State Park and did a short 5 mile hike through the woods. However, it really got hot by noon (high 90's already with an expected 100+ deg. F day), and so we headed on home.


You know around town, I've never been one to wear both jacket and pants. With our summer this year already hitting well over 100 degrees multiple days in a row, it would seem that just a mesh riding jacket with jeans would be OK. However, after my accident over Memorial Day, I've been a lot more cautious about gear. Yesterday in the 90-100 degree heat, I wore shorts and my mesh riding pants. I was amazed at how cool they really were over just my jeans. The mesh really breaths, which the blue jean material doesn't do. This attributes to why the jeans feel hotter on summer days when riding. I guess I'll have to start wearing my riding pants more often in town, instead of just wearing them when I'm going on a trip.

Logos Give Away

Logos is a company that makes Christian software. Years ago, they made an excellent Dead Sea Scrolls DVD on the Mac. They also make their Bible study software that is really helpful. I use it weekly at my Bible study group meetings. Well worth the money! The additional reference material available really helps me gain a deeper understanding of the scriptures.

Now logos is giving away some of the best made Bibles around. I think everybody should have a quality Bible. Logos is now giving people a chance to do so free of charge!

Logos Bible Software is celebrating the launch of their new online Bible by giving away 72 ultra-premium print Bibles at a rate of 12 per month for six months. The Bible giveaway is being held at Bible.Logos.com and you can get up to five different entries each month! After you enter, be sure to check out Logos and see how it can revolutionize your Bible study.


I'm going to start updating my blog more often with more daily style topics, most related to biking, but there might be a few other things tossed in along the way.