
Another Ride

It's been a while since I updated my blog. I really need to do it more often. Again, I'm preparing to leave for a trip. This time I'm headed north. I have to go to York, PA for work, so I was able to request that I ride instead of fly there. Unfortunately this means that I'll have to skip out on Easter. In fact, since I'm off on Good Friday (of course not called that at work, it's Spring Holiday), I'm going to leave on Friday. Unfortunately, my wife has to work, and my daughter is out of school. So, I'm going to wait until Lunch to head out. Because of this, I'm only going to ride to Arkadelphia, AR the first day (443 miles). The next day(Saturday), I'm off to Richmond, KY (654 miles). Then finally on Sunday I'll make the push to York, PA (561 miles) via Waynesboro, PA (where I was born ... figured it would be cool to take a photo there) and Gettysburg (where I lived for a year, and have a brother buried).

I spent a great deal of time planning my trip, trying to stick to smaller roads to get more of feel for the countryside. My actual route is: http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=168392. I'll also visit Allentown, PA, where my company has a office, and then have dinner with my brother and his family in Hartford, CT.

I'm still debating which motorcycle to take. Right now, I'm leaning towards the BMW R1200RT, but I haven't ruled out taking my Buell Ulysses. I see advantages to both, but I think the extra wind protection and heated seat and cruise control on the RT are going to win out over the Buell.

I will start updating this blog daily starting Friday.