
Off the slab and through the deserts

OK, I have to admit I have slacked off a bit when it came to updating this blog. I was fine the first day, but then I arrived around 3 PM in the afternoon in New Mexico. But after my trip from New Mexico to Bakersfield, CA, I was a bit tired and didn't want to update my blog that night. Once I arrived in San Jose, I found that I didn't want to update my blog either. Shame on me. 

So, looking backwards at my trip segment from Deming, New Mexico to Bakersfield, California, there were a few things that really stuck out as highlights. One was the breath taking view I had along the New Mexico, Arizona border. It really was an awesome sight. My route took my off I-10 for the first time since leaving Kerrville, Texas. I turned onto US 70 in Lordsburg, NM and while I saw very few vehicles (mostly semi-trailers) on I-10, I saw no vehicles on US 70. It was me, my BMW RT, and the desert landscape. There is something very therapeutic about riding alone on a motorcycle in the desert. Maybe it's because you're alone with your own thoughts, and feel the wind, and elements around you, but it's very different than being in a car. 

As I crossed Arizona, I switched to US 60 and went through a wonderful little town called Globe, AZ. What a joy it was to go through that area of the country. I'll try to take some pictures of it on my way back since I plan to take US 60 again going home. Riding through the Phoenix area, I was forced off US 60 since the road was closed. I had my sister's address in the GPS and found that I was only a few blocks from their house, so I stopped in and had a short but nice visit with them. But I knew I couldn't stay long since I had to press on, I was trying to make it to Bakersfield and had a lot of miles still ahead of me. 

I ended up back on I-10 for a bit as I headed out of Phoenix, and then headed up through some smaller AZ county roads where I crossed into California. This was an area of California that seemed very familiar to me, and it was. I had spent some time in the high desert of California, when I was stationed in Twenty-nine Palms. I wasn't all that far from the "stumps" as we called it. I pressed northward and ended up in Needles, CA. With gas prices falling, I was averaging about $3.20 a gallon for gas. However, Needles (and Barstow) still haven't heard that oil prices have fallen recently and I ended up paying slightly more than $4.00 a gallon. In Needles I got back on the giant slab called I-40 and headed towards Barstow. Night was falling as I entered Barstow, so I opted to stop for dinner. They have a kind of neat little train style building that houses several fast food restaurants and the bus station. It was a very busy place, and I ordered the healthiest thing in the building at the Panda Express. 

I finished up dinner and headed out to Bakersfield. Along the way, I couldn't get that Dwight Yoakum/Buck Owens tune out of head, so I dialed it in on my iPod and listened to The Streets of Bakersfield. Ironically my hotel was only a mile from Buck Owens Palace (whatever that is) in Bakersfield. I rode from Barstow to Bakersfield in the dark and it's a little more than a hundred miles. It really felt more like 200 hundred. Maybe it was the dark, or maybe just the extra miles, or simply that I was ready for a warm shower and shut eye, but I was ready to call it a night. 

The morning ride to San Jose from Bakersfield was fairly uneventful. And then began my work week, which pretty much kept me occupied. In finishing up this post, I do have to say that I did split lanes in the bay area, maybe I'll talk more about that later. It's not nearly as dangerous as one would think, but I suspect that has to do with CA drivers expecting it, and the lanes being wider. But having a motorcycle out here makes a lot of sense. 

Photos from this 800 mile leg are here: Photos


On the road

Well, day 2 is done. Day one was pretty straight forward. Today was a bit tougher. I left Kerrville, TX around 5:30 AM and it was in the 40's when I left. It didn't warm up until around 10:30.  I was pretty chilly until after lunch. 

Ironically I didn't see any law enforcement folks until I got around Van Horn, TX. Then suddenly they were all over the place. At one point, the Texas DPS (highway patrol), had one car pulled over on the west side of the highway, and one person pulled over on the east side. The guy going west was having the worst day though, or at least I would assume so since they had him in cuffs standing next to the cruiser. 

I tend to get around 230 or so miles per tank on my bike. About 48 miles outside of Ft. Stockton my low fuel light came one. As luck would have it, I had just past a gas station. I looked at the GPS and had to get 47 miles before I would hit another gas station. As I watched the last fuel bar disappear from the display (I never knew it went away), I really began to worry. I made it to the gas station on fumes I'm sure. But you don't want to run out of gas in West Texas. 

I did pass the large wind farm that was built in West Texas. It was a bit too cold for me to have on my summer gloves, so I didn't take any photos, but it's pretty cool to see active wind farms again. When I lived in 29 Palms, CA, we use to watch the wind farm outside Palm Springs, CA going full tilt. 

Here are photos from todays ride: 2008-10-25


Almost There

The packing is done... Well almost, I still have my work laptop and things to pack from work that I’ll need when I’m out there. My route isn’t exactly how I would normally do it, but I’m leaving late on Friday (dinner time), so I can stop by my mom’s house for the night. That puts me at a short 123 miles for the day.

Day 1 Map

Day 2 is a little better, as I go from Kerrville, TX to Deming NM, and log 585 miles.

Day 2 Map

Day 3 is the hard day. It’ll see me go from New Mexico, through the state of Arizona, finally stopping in Bakersfield, CA 782 miles away.

Day 3 Map

Day 4 is a very short day since that will be Monday and I have to be at work. I hope to be there by 10 AM, going from Bakersfield to Milpitas California.

Day 4 map

        ✓        Route done
        ✓        Packing done
        ✓        Bike serviced
        ❑        emergency cards updated
OK, one more thing to do before I leave tomorrow afternoon.


The Planning Goes On

The California trip planning goes on. I think I finally have a route that seems to be OK. I’m going to try to figure out how to post it here later.

Initially my route included stopping in Phoenix to visit my sister. But my brother-in-law has somebody in his family who has a big celebration going on when I'll be in town, so I'll catch them on the return trip. 

  • Day 1 (Friday) - I'm going to ride to my mom's house and have dinner with her. That will give me a two hour leg up on the trip with 124 miles. 
  • Day 2 (Saturday) - one of the short days. I'll go from Kerrville, TX to Deming, NM a mere 580 miles.  
  • Day 3 (Sunday) - this will be the long day. Deming NM to Bakersfield CA. This is the 800 mile day. 
  • Day 4 (Monday) - another short day with a short 250 miles to Milpitas, CA. After Sunday, I'm sure I'll want a short day.

I did get an appointment to get my tires replaced before I left. I thought about riding on them until I got there, but then thought better about it, or should I say, my wife talked me out of doing that. Something about being safe. Go Figure. 

Update: The BMW now has new shoes, so now the bike is really ready for the trip. 


San Jose Trip

Today is day one of getting prepared to go to San Jose on my 2004 BMW R1150RT Motocycle.

List of things to do:

  • Plan Route (I have a route planned, but I want to make sure there aren’t better ways to get there)

  • Check Tires (I have some miles left on them, but I really should replace them before my trip)

  • Watch the weather for the next several days.