
The Planning Goes On

The California trip planning goes on. I think I finally have a route that seems to be OK. I’m going to try to figure out how to post it here later.

Initially my route included stopping in Phoenix to visit my sister. But my brother-in-law has somebody in his family who has a big celebration going on when I'll be in town, so I'll catch them on the return trip. 

  • Day 1 (Friday) - I'm going to ride to my mom's house and have dinner with her. That will give me a two hour leg up on the trip with 124 miles. 
  • Day 2 (Saturday) - one of the short days. I'll go from Kerrville, TX to Deming, NM a mere 580 miles.  
  • Day 3 (Sunday) - this will be the long day. Deming NM to Bakersfield CA. This is the 800 mile day. 
  • Day 4 (Monday) - another short day with a short 250 miles to Milpitas, CA. After Sunday, I'm sure I'll want a short day.

I did get an appointment to get my tires replaced before I left. I thought about riding on them until I got there, but then thought better about it, or should I say, my wife talked me out of doing that. Something about being safe. Go Figure. 

Update: The BMW now has new shoes, so now the bike is really ready for the trip. 

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